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[0XO]≡ PDF Gratis Trail of the Red Diamonds Stories from the Golden Age L Ron Hubbard 9781459616257 Books

Trail of the Red Diamonds Stories from the Golden Age L Ron Hubbard 9781459616257 Books

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Download PDF Trail of the Red Diamonds Stories from the Golden Age L Ron Hubbard 9781459616257 Books

Lieutenant Jonathan Daly sets out on a fateful expedition into the depths of China to unearth a fabulous fortune in red diamonds, leading him down a dark maze of betrayal, espionage and death with more on the line than he ever expected.

Trail of the Red Diamonds Stories from the Golden Age L Ron Hubbard 9781459616257 Books

This book actually has three separate short stories in it. Each are different but they are all adventure stories. The "Red Diamonds" one was actually my least favorite. I'm terrible remembering names, but there is a story that is set in inner China with two fighting warlords. That one was my favorite and I really enjoyed.

Product details

  • Paperback 164 pages
  • Publisher ReadHowYouWant; [Large Print] edition (December 28, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1459616251

Read Trail of the Red Diamonds Stories from the Golden Age L Ron Hubbard 9781459616257 Books

Tags : Trail of the Red Diamonds (Stories from the Golden Age) [L. Ron Hubbard] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Lieutenant Jonathan Daly sets out on a fateful expedition into the depths of China to unearth a fabulous fortune in red diamonds,L. Ron Hubbard,Trail of the Red Diamonds (Stories from the Golden Age),ReadHowYouWant,1459616251,FICTION Action & Adventure
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Trail of the Red Diamonds Stories from the Golden Age L Ron Hubbard 9781459616257 Books Reviews

"The Trail to the Red Diamonds" was first published in "Thrilling Adventure" in January, 1935 under the pseudonym of Lt. Jonathan Daly, the main character in this adventure story. Using a pseudonym is not unique since L. Ron Hubbard employed fifteen different pen names in addition to his own name in his many pulp titles. This fictional tale begins during Lt. Daly's recuperation from bullet wounds in a Gran Chaco hospital, He discovers an original manuscript of Marco Polo's travels "I had come across an original manuscript of Marco Polo's. The man that lent it to me did not know its value," states Lt. Daly. Halfway through the manuscript, he reads a paragraph about a chest of red stones which glittered "like the sun through red-stained quartz." At first, he believes they are rubies but then he understands they could only be diamonds- rare red diamonds.

As Daly reads Marco Polo's words, he realizes the chest of red diamonds had been buried with Kublai Khan, the Emperor of China to lighten his way to heaven and to serve as offerings to the gods. Intrigued and seduced by greed, Daly wastes no time and sets off to find the buried treasure ignoring warnings from his doctors and friends. Little known to him, he has challengers- the Chinese army and disloyal renegades that complicate his journey for riches in this dark tale of betrayal, espionage, double crosses and death.

Also included in this volume is "Hurricane's Roar," a tale about a sinister and clever Mongolian warrior- Wind-Gone-Mad.
“Fast-Paced, Colorful Characters, And Exciting Stories.”

This volume actually contains two stories by L. Ron Hubbard THE TRAIL OF THE RED DIAMONDS, published in THRILLING ADVENTURES, January 1935, under the pseudonym of Lt. Jonathan Daly, the main character of the story. And THE HURRICANE’S ROAR, published in THRILLING ADVENTURES, April 1939.

In the first story, Jonathan Daly translates passages from Marco Polo’s manuscript while laid up in a hospital in San Francisco; coming across several mentions of Kublai Khan’s final burial site, and the treasure buried with him, Daly’s interest is peaked when he learns the treasure consists of rare, valuable red diamonds. Leaving the hospital, he contacts a friend in China, Jim Lange with coded details, requesting camels and soldiers for their trip to the burial site. Naturally, there is much adventure before arriving at their destination, as well as intrigue and death.

You might call THE HURRICANE’S ROAR a costumed hero story, or pulp hero, if you will. Although the author doesn’t say in this story, Jim Dahlgren, an American who lives and works in China selling planes, is also the flying hero known as Wind-Gone-Mad (name for hurricanes, so he’s essentially The Hurricane). Wind-Gone-Mad flies a scarlet plane with a dragon design. His goggles are like a domino mask, and the helmet is also painted like a dragon. In this story two warring bandit leaders are causing a lot of problems near the Khinghan Mountains where Amalgamated Aeronautical Company wants to build a runway, and near a mine worked by an American named Bill McCall. Someone is planning on marketing their own deal if The Hurricane can’t stop the fighting and broker a deal benefiting everybody.

These novelettes were a lot of fun. The writing is fast-paced, and the characters colorful, and the stories are exciting. Highly recommended to lovers of adventure fiction.
A decent example of pulp fiction, cranked out and paid for by the word. However, if you've read one of these, the other ones will follow a predictable pattern.

I doubt that this would get any notice at all if L Ron were not the Scientologist head guy. prices them about right.
This book was a great adventure story and lots of fun. Kept my attention and had an excellent surprise ending. Authentic Pulp fiction at its finest.
worth your time to read
This book actually has three separate short stories in it. Each are different but they are all adventure stories. The "Red Diamonds" one was actually my least favorite. I'm terrible remembering names, but there is a story that is set in inner China with two fighting warlords. That one was my favorite and I really enjoyed.
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